Life’s always been a little “busy” for me. I usually have my hands in a number of pies, bustling from place to place, job to job… but it’s all because I feel soooo passionate about soooo many things. My dreams are BIG, and I used to get so caught up with rushing towards them without thinking about how I was affecting my mind, body, and heart.
In fact, I used to feel really overwhelmed and on HIGH sensory overload with all the balls I was juggling. Some days I didn’t even know where to start with my to-do lists, so I would just rewrite them (in my favourite Sharpie pen that I had to take the drive to go buy) to waste time from actually facing the items that were waiting to be ticked off. Okay, and maybe I’d eat a lot of non-fuelling foods and complain about being “sooooo busy.” Needless to say, my nervous system was NOT happy.
The one moment I realized I had made big strides from drowning my stress sorrows in...