What do you do when you notice the fruit on your counter has a bruise?
>> pitch it in the garbage you say!
Okay, okay...let’s pretend it’s your faaaaaavourite fruit, and you’ve been looking forward to it since the grocery haul last week. You’ve actually been waiting for it since last year when it was in season. Yep, you have been waiting for the right moment to enjoy it and love it up.
You’ve noticed a bruise, but you’re just not ready to give up and banish this bruised baby to the bin.
Instead, you are determined to find a way to salvage it. So you start to take extraordinary measures.
You take your time in facing it up on the counter, carefully positioning it so that nothing else can harm it.
You watch it closely, and even whisper, “it’s okay, you’ve got this. Hold on!”
When you notice the bruise spreading, you realize it’s time to get to work: you carefully carve the edges of the darkness, taking out what’s gone bad and protecting what’s good.
Hewf, that was a close one!
You focus on what you have left--the remaining stuff that was nourishing and awesome to begin with.
What if I told you, lovely, that we are all bruised fruit. That we are all worthy of love and attention and that our darkness isn’t a death sentence.
How, then, would you treat your fellow bruised peach or granny smith?
Upon discovering their bruise, would you approach with haste and throw the whole thing out?
“Lost cause”
“Good for nothing”
“Not worth my time”
Or would you soften and take more care?
The truth is we all have bruises. So instead of casting judgment and throwing away what is perfectly good and worthy of love and attention, let’s nurture ourselves and each other.
We’re all on a journey of just loving more of who we are--bruises, holes, and all--and that is something we are all deserving of. Come join me in my private facebook group to get more tips and tricks on how to love and take care of yourself.
Stay lovely. Much love.
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