The Write Way to Self Care


Since I was a kid and have always loved words (#englishprof).  Writing was a source of outlet for me since I was really young. I used to rewrite animal fun facts, provide written commentary on characters I read in books, and make up stories of lonely kids and dogs finding each other. Clearly I wasn’t the most fun child to have a play date with lol


Writing back then was a way for me to do something with my weird and often wild imagination. Writing took me to places deep within and far outside myself. As I got older, I realized I had ideas and feelings that I didn't know what to do with. Many times, writing was what saved me.


It was a way for me to feel less alone and to look inside for the answers rather than be confused by what advice was being offered around me.


To this day, I use journaling to see my feelings on the page and move the heaviness (or inspiration!) inside so that I can focus on better feelings.


I’ve truly seen the...

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The New Self Care - Not Just Bubbles and Face Masks


I’m about to blow the self care social media paradigm right open. 


You ready?


Self care is not just bubble baths and face masks.


Let me explain a little more… When I talk about self care, I really mean two things: fluffy self care and icky self care. 


Fluffy self care is a lot of the socially known self care: things like pedicures, massages, pouring bath salts in overflowing tubs…


Icky self care, on the other hand, is all the stuff that actually supports us and our wellbeing on a deep, soul level, but isn’t what we typically want to do. This includes looking at financials, setting boundaries, having hard conversations, reflecting and healing trauma, taking responsibility for parenting ourselves…


[Get your Recipe For Self-Care NOW click here ]


Being the (self proclaimed) Self Care Queen, I’d like to think I lean into both equally (although history would show I tend to dive...

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