I’m about to blow the self care social media paradigm right open.
You ready?
Self care is not just bubble baths and face masks.🤯
Let me explain a little more… When I talk about self care, I really mean two things: fluffy self care and icky self care.
🛁 Fluffy self care is a lot of the socially known self care: things like pedicures, massages, pouring bath salts in overflowing tubs…
🏆 Icky self care, on the other hand, is all the stuff that actually supports us and our wellbeing on a deep, soul level, but isn’t what we typically want to do. This includes looking at financials, setting boundaries, having hard conversations, reflecting and healing trauma, taking responsibility for parenting ourselves…
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Being the (self proclaimed) Self Care Queen, I’d like to think I lean into both equally (although history would show I tend to dive into icky self care more often--I’m a sucker for personal development!).
It’s helpful to dive into icky self care in a safe container where you are seen, heard, and supported. Often we worry about opening up pandora’s box of shadows, trauma, and things that need to be healed, but when we keep our curious, detective hats on, stay objective, and use a process that is kind and self-loving, we can stay away from spiralling and focus on embracing the icky as we move toward healing.
Getting quiet, present, and connected to self is the way to start into the icky self care. Coming at the ickiness with compassion for self and acceptance for the present moment can create a safe environment for healing, improving emotional hygiene, and embracing self efficacy.💕
Some icky self care that has helped me … and might help you too!
Can you add to this list? What are some things that are challenging but that you know are good for you?
It’s important to include both fluffy AND icky self care into your daily, weekly, and monthly practices so that you are taking responsibility for your experience here on Earth and not bypassing the hard stuff. Because, we know, we can do hard things. #glennondoyle
In #SundaySelfCareClub we make sure you are scheduling it all. Come join us for our next Sunday meetup! We are accepting new members all times of the month (and not just once a month!). Because when you need support, you need it yesterday, right?! Check us out here...and maybe you want the VIP option with added Chill Yoga?!
[Get your Recipe For Self-Care NOW ➡️ click here]
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