How To Go From Overdraft To Overflowing


There was a time when I was living from my bank account’s overdraft. Okay, living might not be the right term...surviving feels more accurate. Honestly, this was the scenario: I’d get paid on a Thursday and be in the minus by Friday. I was stretching every last dollar, racking up credit cards, and not knowing if I’d have to ask for a handout from family. ‍


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It was not fun. It felt really heavy. And I was really embarrassed about it. 


I was in that spot of lack, hopelessness, and wanting more until I realized I had more power over my situation than I thought. 


Enter money mindset!


After reading a few books, listening to a few podcasts, and getting clear on my budget, I realized that there were things I could do to improve my relationship to money. In Lovely Human School, I teach an entire module about stepping into our fortune and living an abundant life,...

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